Libby by OverDrive

Libby by OverDrive is our eResource for eBooks and eAudiobooks titles.  Access all these easily via the Libby app or on your Computer or eReader.  Access is free for library members - just enter your library card number and PIN/password.  You can borrow up to twenty items at a time and for up to 21 days.


Get a global perspective on world events with PressReader, where you can browse and read newspapers and magazines from New Zealand and around the world. 





Access New Zealand

(News Bank)

Haynes AllAccess

Road to IELTS



Beanstack is a web and mobile app used to track independent reading time, and help build a love of reading. It's an easy way to keep track of all the books you and your whanau read.


Treaty of Waitangi Collection

Māori Land Court Minute Books Index

Health & Wellbeing